How Do Sugar Gliders Eat?

Sugar gliders are omnivores that will eat a variety of foods. They primarily feed on sap and gums, insect exudates and nectar in the wild.

In captivity, sugar gliders eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables in moderation. Protein sources include boiled chicken or turkey, plain non-fat yogurt, bugs and hard-boiled eggs.


According to, Sugar gliders are opportunistic omnivores and their natural diet includes carbohydrate-rich sap and gum from eucalyptus and acacia trees, honeydew, pollen, manna (a sugar deposit from oozing tree sap) and a wide variety of insects and small lizards.

These small marsupials have large eyes, which help them see while gliding and triangulate their launch and landing locations. They also have ears that swivel, which helps them locate their prey as they hunt at night.

Males have a bald spot on their heads that is actually a scent gland. Females have a pouch on their belly that they use to raise their young.

In captivity, it is important to provide a varied and healthy diet that contains a wide variety of food sources and nutrients. This is a matter of trial and error, but the more research you do into your glider’s specific needs, the better prepared you will be.

Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are a great way to give your sugar gliders vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. You can buy a range of organic fruits and vegetables at your local pet store or online.

They should be fresh and ripe (not moldy) and they should be offered daily. Some of the most popular fruits and vegetables for Sugar Gliders are apples, peaches, pears, carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach.

Vegetables can be boiled, steamed or baked and should be served in moderation. They should also be given clean water to drink regularly.

Some foods are safe for your Sugar Glider to eat, but others can be harmful to their health. Foods that are too high in fat or natural sugar content, or that are low in nutritional value or calcium, should be avoided. Excessive fruits, mealworms and other insects, nuts, corn and pork should be restricted.

Meats & Proteins

Sugar gliders feed on a diet of fruits, plant products such as acacia gum and other nectars, and insects. Their diet is a seasonal one, with most of their breeding occurring in the warmer months when insects are abundant.

During the colder winter months, their diet consists of mainly plant products such as acacia gum. These foods are high in sugar and carbohydrate content, which are important for energy production.

Gliders should consume approximately 75% of their diet as fresh fruits and vegetables, 25% of which should come from lean protein sources such as meats and poultry, and about 2% from other animal products such as insects.

When introducing new foods to a glider, introduce them in small amounts at first and observe their response. If they react positively, then you can add them to their diet on occasion.


Aside from their regular food intake, gliders also need to eat supplements. These include vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients they may not get enough of from their daily diets.

Gliders can often be picky eaters and it’s important to offer them a variety of foods. This helps them keep their palates sharp and prevent nutritional deficiencies from developing.

To help with this, it’s best to serve a mix of protein and vegetables in smaller, more manageable pieces. For example, you might serve a quarter of a peach, a quarter of a carrot, or a quarter of a sweet potato as part of their main meal.

In addition, it’s good to add a multi-vitamin with calcium to their food to ensure they are getting the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals. This can be done by simply sprinkling a 1/8th teaspoon of the vitamin or supplement powder onto their daily feed.


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