Bearded Dragon Nutrition and Diet

Bearded dragons are fascinating reptile pets that require specific nutrition and dietary care to ensure they remain healthy and active. Providing a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients is essential for proper growth, organ function, and energy levels in theseadorable creatures.

Nutritional Requirements

According to, proper hydration is the first important nutritional need for bearded dragons. They rely on their diet and baths to meet their water requirements. Offer fresh greens and vegetables daily and keep a dish of clean water available. Letting your pet soak in a shallow bath once a week will also aid in hydration.

Bearded dragons need a balanced assortment of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates in their food. The proper ratio is around:

• 40-50% leafy greens and vegetables
• 30-40% protein in the form of live insects and overhead treated feeder insects
• 10-20% fruits and supplemental vegetables

This combination provides essential nutrients for your pet dragon to grow and remain healthy.

Leafy Greens and Vegetables

Leafy greens should make up the bulk of your bearded dragon's diet. Good options include:

• Collard greens
• Dandelion greens
• Mustard greens
• Turnip greens
• Endive
• Kale
• Swiss chard

Choose dark leafy greens often as they contain higher levels of calcium, vitamin K, and vitamin A. Offer a variety and rotate types to prevent deficiencies and boredom.

Supplemental vegetables can include grated or finely chopped carrots, green beans, bell peppers, squash, and sweet potatoes. Make sure to serve vegetables raw for the highest nutritional value. Avoid iceberg lettuce as it provides little nourishment.

Insects for Protein

Insects provide the majority of protein for bearded dragons and shouldbe offered regularly, especially to growing juveniles or breeding adults. Good options include:

• Crickets
• Waxworms
• Mealworms
• Superworms
• Dubia roaches

Feed insects gut loaded with fruits, veggies, and bee pollen for 24-48 hours before feeding. This boosts the insects' nutritional value before giving to your pet. Insects should be no larger than the space between your pet's eyes.


Bearded dragons require supplementing their diet with calcium and vitamin powders for proper bone and tissue growth. Offer:

• Calcium powder 2-3 times per week
• Multivitamin powderonce weekly
• Calcium with D3 1-2 times per month

Do not supplement every feeding. Only add the small amount that will stick to feeder insects or lightly dust veggies. Too many supplements can cause organ damage.

Fruits and Treats

Small amounts of fruits such as berries and melon can be offered 2-3 times per week as a treat. However, limit fruit intake to no more than 10% of their diet to avoid obesity and digestive issues.

Other safe treats include cooked, plain chicken or eggs. Avoid fatty meats, dairy, onions, avocados, chocolate, and citrus fruits.

With the proper knowledge of bearded dragon nutrition and diet, you can provide your pet with a balanced menu rich in nutrients to keep them happy and healthy for years to come. Pay close attention to ensure they consume enough calcium and vitamins, especially when young. With regular access to fresh greens, protein-rich insects, and limited fruit treats, your pet dragon will thrive under your care.

Here are some additional details about bearded dragon nutrition and diet:

• Proper hydration is essential. Bearded dragons rely on their diet and bathing to stay hydrated. Make sure fresh vegetables and greens are offered daily and a clean water dish is always available. They should also soak in a shallow bath once a week. Dehydration can cause serious health issues.

• Variety is key. Offer a rotation of different leafy greens, vegetables and feeder insects to ensure your pet gets a full range of nutrients. Ideally no single food should make up more than 50% of their total intake. Switch up the greens, veggies and insects on a weekly basis.

• Young dragons have higher calorie needs. Juveniles typically need to feed 2-3 times per day to support growth. As dragons mature, their metabolism slows and they usually only need to eat once per day. Make sure growing babies get plenty of leafy greens, protein and supplements.

• Proper supplement schedules depend on age. Juveniles need calcium powder 2-3 times per week and multivitamins once per week. Adults typically only need calcium powder or D3 once or twice per week and multivitamins once every 2-3 weeks. Babies need more regular supplements to build strong bones and tissues.

• Fruit should be a treat, not a major part of their diet. Bearded dragons love fruit but too much can cause obesity, digestive issues and nutrient deficiencies. Limit fruit to 1-2 times per week and in small portions. Melon, blueberries and banana make the best occasional treats.

• Insects are the most nutrient dense food. Bearded dragons need regular access to feeder insects, especially crickets and roaches, which provide high quality protein, fats, vitamins and minerals crucial for growth and organ health. Feed gutloaded insects 3-4 times per week for juveniles and 1-2 times per week for adults.

Hope these additional details help expand your understanding of proper bearded dragon diet and nutrition! Let me know if you have any other questions.


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